How To Train A Horse

How To Train A Horse

Tips for New Horse Owners

Owning a horse is a great experience, but also a big responsibility as proper care and provision for the needs of the horse lie solely with you as the owner as your new horse cannot schedule farrier appointments or provide itself with water and feed. The following are a few things to take into account when you have a new horse, both before you get him home and once he is living with you.

Provide the right accommodation
Horses in the wild will grow a thick coat for winter and shed it over the summer, depending on the climate where they live. If you have a horse that still grows a thick winter coat then you may want to clip it over the winter so that you can exercise him without getting too sweaty and risking a chill. If you intend to clip your horse you will need to provide rugs and shelter over the winter months if you live in a cool climate, and if you do not the shelter from rain will be needed anyway, as well as shade from a hot sun. If you plan for your horse to live in a stable then you will still need space for him to go out and exercise when you cannot ride; horses love company and generally prefer to be turned out than kept in.

Get supplies ready
If you have a paddock with good grass then your horse will not need much extra feed over the summer, but in the winter when there is little grass then all horses will need extra feed, even if it is just hay. Horses that are working hard will need extra energy in the form of hard food; the easiest way to provide this is with a ready mixed feed that is designed to give the right combination of energy and other vitamins and fiber that your horse needs. You can consult your vet or feed merchant if you are unsure as to what to give your horse; the general rule is to spread across many small feeds as horses are grazers and their digestion is designed to eat little and often. You should also have a basic first aid kit ready to deal with small cuts and grazes, and a grooming kit to keep your horse tidy and parasite free
Call on the professionals
Your horse will need vaccinations and worming, as well as their teeth checking on a fairly regular basis so you should register with a vet if you do not already have one. A farrier will be required to keep your horses feet trimmed even if they are not going to be wearing shoes; this depends on the work they will be doing and the surface that you ride on, your farrier will be able to offer advice.
Owning a horse can be great fun, but you must remember that they cannot supply their own basic needs and you should always make sure they have access to shelter and fresh water, as well as appropriate food and entertainment.

See more on how to train a horse.

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