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Tag Archives: Horse trainers
Gallop to Freedom: Training Horses with the Founding Stars of Cavalia
Gallop to Freedom: Training Horses with the Founding Stars of Cavalia [Frederic Pignon, Magali Delgado, David Walser] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
When Cavalia—the amazing equestrian-themed spectacular, melding costumes and theatrics with stunt riding and haute école—first took North America by storm in 2003 Continue reading
The Kikkuli Method of Horse Training
The Kikkuli Method of Horse Training [A. Nyland] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. ***PLEASE NOTE. This was an official university trial, and Dr. Nyland replicated this ancient text with horses led off a vehicle and off other horses at times throughout the SEVEN months of the trial Continue reading
Horses Never Lie: The Heart of Passive Leadership
Horses Never Lie: The Heart of Passive Leadership [Mark Rashid] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In Horses Never Lie, acclaimed horse trainer Mark Rashid breaks new ground by challenging the longstanding belief that a person must become the alpa leader in order to work with horses. Instead Continue reading